If finding the right mate is chemistry, you can't blame U.K. dating coach Adam Lyons for coming up with a scientific formula for relationship bliss.
"If you want to make someone fall in love with you, you've got to get them to invest in you," said Lyons. "What I teach is how to trigger that investment."
To that end, he figures C-R+Q+S=A. That's comfort, minus rapport, plus qualifications, plus sexual escalation, equals attraction.
The 27-year-old should know. He was voted the No. 3 ranked pick-up artist at the World Pick-Up Artist (PUA) Summit last year, and is in hot demand across North America as a leading authority on personal attraction for British-based PUA Training. In fact, his ranking falls behind only Neil Strauss, author of the bestseller The Game, and Mystery, the featured subject of which details the secret society of pick-up artists.
Lyons wasn't always lucky with women, though. Back in high school, he was voted by his peers as the most likely to never get a girlfriend. In fact, he admits he spent a decade dating mostly lonely women he found at bars and friends of friends, dragging out the troubled relationships waiting for someone better to come along.
That all changed when the former public relations and marketing rep signed up for a course a few years ago on how to meet women.
"I wanted to get the girls of my dreams, I wasn't in it to get laid like a rock star -- although that happened," he admitted.
Lyons began practicing seven hours a day, meeting lots of women right out on the street in front of his London office -- and promptly lost his job.
But, his lust to understand why he was successful attracted other men, who wanted to learn his techniques in personal attraction, followed by a flurry of print and TV journalists who helped him create credibility. That spawned a chance for a gig lecturing in the United States.
While he got the worst slot, at 9 a.m. on a Sunday, Lyons said he received a standing ovation and was mobbed by the audience: "I was over the moon and demand went through the roof."
Lyons' -- whose cold-call conquests can be seen online at YouTube -- continues to lecture and will travel to any city to conduct boot camps in which he takes a handful of guys out for sessions that include daytime seminars and nighttime clubbing. He can be reached at the 100% free dating service Devil Called Love.
But he's no longer single. Lyons partnered both personally and professionally with a female dating expert based in Dallas.
Like most of his clients, he admits he was always looking for The One.
"To be honest, this sounds so corny, but there was a phrase I always wanted to say to my wife: 'I could have had any girl in the world and I choose you.'"
Now it seems he can.
Lyons approach taps basic psychology: Offer and conditioning.
Step 1: Make women feel comfortable talking to you. "Tell funny stories, be entertaining, compliment their clothes," Lyons said. Also, try to help out: if a woman trips, help her up. If she's lost, give directions.
Be completely nice and offer to do things for them.
Step 2: After finding an easy rapport, break that rapport. "Women need to fear losing you," said Lyons. Wind a woman up, crack a joke, surround yourself with other women. Take a page from the female playbook, as they've already learned being high-maintenance is social proof that they are worth being with.
Step 3: Qualify yourself as a desirable investment not to be trifled with. Show them: "every time you refuse to invest, I'm going to show you I'm willing to walk away." Tell her you're very busy but you can meet for an ice cream or short, fun date but make sure it requires that she make the effort to spend time with you.
Step 4: Make the reward sexual. "Say: 'you're so great', kiss her on the forehead. 'You're amazing', give her a hug.The next thing you know, you're all over her, she's all over you . . . She can't believe that there is an incredible 'click' about you that she can't put her mind on. The click is her own investment, and her own input into being with you."
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